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Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2nd 2010
Falcon Lake has had another incident on the Mexico side,and it' still been investigated by our law enforcement,we have not fished Mexico waters for about 6 months when thing were going down in the towns across the border,we stopped selling Mexico lic at that time also,i have been fishing U.S.A side and catching just as many or more fish then on the Mexico side.Falcon Lake is full of fish and it has none to little pressure so please call us or e mail us if you have any questions on fishing the U.S.A side or to book a trip.

Zapata is a small but friendly town great food and weather the lake is also one of the best places to fish! we don't stop driving down U.S Hwy 83 and we are not going to stop fishing the U.S.A side of the lake because Mexico is on the other side,like i said before on my blogs there are Game Wardens Coast Guard patrolling the lake and it's actually more security then before just stay on our waters.

Tomorrow am fishing with Mr Justin Furness and after this high pressure and a low on the way the fishing is going to be on,!!! we have been catching a lot of fish for the last two weekends and it only tells you of the good fishing to come this Fall, we will be on the water all week and we will be posting some more pictures of some Falcon Hawgs.The Texas Sharelunker Program started October 1st and we are the Official receiving station last season there were Two and both were brought back to the lake.Debbie Baker had a 13.2 monster December 19 2009 and Bryan Aubin had a 14.4 Hawgzilla on January the 19th.

Water level is still high at 304 and the water temp is starting to drop to low to mid 80's the fish have a forest to play in and the comerants[water turkeys] will have a hard time eating all of our fry,Catfishing around this birds is out of control they are nesting and when you find the roost you can load up the boat, shrimp punch bait and liver are the baits to use with a slip cork..Crappies are up to 16 in long and we had another great spawn.

2010 and 2011 season is going to be like no other we had a lot of big fish on 2009 and 2010 but with the water level this fish are going to be in great shape we are looking for some 16 to 17 pound Hawgs to being caught .drop us a line if you want to fish or e mail us for your next trip! thanks to all and good fishing.....

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